金曜日, 5月 04, 2007

「SynthEdit」製VSTi Cairn Zodiac-6

今日の「SynthEdit」製VSTiは、Pethuの減算系アナログシンセ「Cairn Zodiac-6」だ。

* 6 voice poly / mono synth.
* 2 oscillators / voice (4 in FAT mode).
* 2 VCOs: 5 waveforms + 2 types of noise, FM, Ring modulation.
* 1 VCA: ADSR envelope with keyboard rate scaling.
* 1 VCF: 5 filter types with ADSR envelope and keyboard rate scaling, acting on both cutoff and resonance.
* 2 LFOs with DADSR envelope, S&H mode and host tempo sync. Each LFO can also act as a noise generator or spare envelope.
* Modulation sources include Keyboard velocity / Channel aftertouch / Keyboard pitch / Modwheel / LFOs.
* Mix all available mod sources for all available destinations any way you like using mixer-style faders. No cumbersome modulation matrices or mod destination switches.
* Extra "aftertouch modwheel" in the GUI for the aftertouch-deprived.
* Built-in delay with host tempo sync.
* 65 presets and 24 page printable manual included.

65種類のプリセットが付いている。パッチNo.11のFM Bellsの音を聞いてみる。

Cairn Zodiac-6